If you are used to preparing images in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom using Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB colour profiles, you have probably been preparing images for consistent print quality.
To prepare your images for consistent display quality you’ll need to convert files to the sRGB colour profile.
The International Color Consortium (ICC) has a standard for an ICC Profile that defines the rules for managing colour on input devices (such as cameras and scanners) and output devices (such as printers and monitors).
Here are some key colour profiles you need to know about:
If you take an image with either an Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB colour profile and display it in a web browser, the colours may look washed out or dull.
To avoid this occurring, convert the image to sRGB format before it is displayed in a web browser.
*Note: Safari has for some time supported the colour profile recorded for an image. Firefox 3.5.2 (Aug 09) introduced standard support for ICC colour profiles.
If you have images with the Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB colour profile, to convert them to sRGB:
After you have converted the image to sRGB, check that the colours are the way you want them.
In Photoshop you can choose to include or exclude the ICC colour profile metadata when you choose Save As to save an image for the web. Note this only affects whether the file is ‘tagged’ with the colour profile – the colours embedded in the image remain the same.
There are pros and cons to leaving the colour profile off. Leaving the ICC colour profile off can result is potentially a better option for images on the web:
Part 2: sRGB Conversion Instructions
If you want to find out more about colour profiles and the rationale for using sRGB for your web images, here are some links:
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