Using Zapier and the WooCommerce Zapier extension you can manage your WooCommerce order, product, customer, coupon, subscription, membership and booking data and integrate it with 7000+ cloud services and apps.
Two-way integration for your WooCommerce store and thousands of cloud apps.
Two way automation for:
Save time by integrating your WooCommerce store with services you already use and love, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Zendesk, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor FreshBooks & more!
Speed up your processes by letting Zapier do the work for you, instantly: instead of making the same changes every time a new order comes in, a new customer makes a purchase or an order’s status changes, set up an automation once and let it run forever.
Never forget a step: let one event in WooCommerce trigger multiple changes in multiple apps to help you avoid missing things.
Efficiently notify the all right members of your team and only the right ones: set up filtering on notifications so only the relevant people are alerted to changes.
Take necessary steps at critical moments: reduce shopping cart abandonment by acting quickly on cancelled orders, follow-up with customers right after they purchase and more.
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