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WooCommerce Zapier Integration is evolving!

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After a mere 2+ years (29 months) in the wild, the WooCommerce Zapier extension is coming of age.

When we launched, Zapier connected a ‘fledgling’ WooCommerce with over 200 web services. Today WooCommerce powers more than 30% of the eCommerce web, and the Zapier web service count is over 500.

When we launched the integration opportunities were amazing. But with 300 or so new integration apps entering the market, there are new opportunities that are grabbing attention.

WooThemes have recently posted about automation options with WooCommerce and Zapier: 10 ways to save time with WooCommerce automation

And Zapier provide some good examples for eCommerce automation (substitute WooCommerce where appropriate):

The future is looking bright for WooCommerce automation with Zapier, check it out for your own store today!