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Version 1.6.2 Released

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Version 1.6.2 of the WooCommerce Zapier plugin has just been released.

This bug fix release includes the following changes:

  • Fix: Avoid “Serialization of ‘SimpleXMLElement’ is not allowed” error when using “Subscription Status Changed” trigger and the Authorize.net CIM Gateway.
  • Fix: If sending immediately/synchronously (rather than asynchronously), ensure the New Order trigger only fires once when using a payment gateway that uses the payment_complete() function.
  • Change: Subscription triggers now use the subscription ID instead of the WC_Subscription object.
  • New: Add new ‘wc_zapier_data_sent_to_zapier_successfully’ hook so that other plugins or code can act once customer/order/subscription data has been sent to Zapier.

See the full changelog for details of the other changes in this release.

Update today!

The latest plugin version can be downloaded via your WordPress dashboard, or via the WooCommerce.com my account page.